
Here is some guidance on interfacing with external sources.

I currently see two use-cases:

  1. Use-case: Check if all configuration management items of a project exist that are mandated by the argumentation (as solutions/evidence).

    The reference list may comprise more items that are required for argumentation, i.e. the list items must be attributed.

    The reference list may be distributed across multiple files.

  2. Use-case: Check if all normative/external requirements are fulfilled.

    The reference list is a list of all normative requirements.

    This use-case is actually the other way around than the first one.

For the example scripts below, yq is required.

Checking evidence

This command lists all Solutions that are in example.gsn.yaml but are not in reference.yaml:

yq ea '[select(file_index == 0)|.Sn*.text] - [select(file_index == 1)|.[]]' examples/example.gsn.yaml reference.yaml   

reference.yaml could look like this:

# Configuration Management Items
- Solution 1
- Solution 2

Checking references

Depending on how the external format is defined, you can swap the part before the -, with the part after.