Basic usage

This little program renders Goal Structuring Notation in a YAML format to a scalable vector graphics (SVG) image.



You can create an SVG like this:

gsn2x <yourgsnfile.yaml> 

The output is an argument view in SVG format and automatically written to <yourgsnfile.svg>. If more than one input file is provided, they are treated as modules.


Usage: gsn2x [OPTIONS] <INPUT>...

  <INPUT>...  Sets the input file(s) to use.

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

  -c, --check                      Only check the input file(s), but do not output graphs.
  -x, --exclude <EXCLUDED_MODULE>  Exclude this module from reference checks.

  -N, --no-arg                         Do not output of argument view for provided input files.
  -f, --full <COMPLETE_VIEW>           Output the complete view to file with name <COMPLETE_VIEW>.    [default: complete.svg]
  -F, --no-full                        Do not output the complete view.
  -a, --arch <ARCHITECTURE_VIEW>       Output the architecture view to file with name <ARCHITECTURE_VIEW>. [default: architecture.svg]
  -A, --no-arch                        Do not output the architecture view.
  -e, --evidence <EVIDENCE>          Output list of all evidence to file with name <EVIDENCE>. [default:]
  -E, --no-evidence                   Do not output list of all evidence.
  -o, --output-dir <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY>  Emit all output files to directory <OUTPUT_DIRECTORY>.      [default: .]

  -l, --layer <LAYERS>            Output additional layer. Can be used multiple times.
  -s, --stylesheet <STYLESHEETS>  Links a stylesheet in SVG output. Can be used multiple times.
  -t, --embed-css                 Embed stylesheets instead of linking them.
  -m, --mask <MASKED_MODULE>      Do not show this module in views.
  -G, --no-legend                 Do not output a legend based on module information.
  -g, --full-legend               Output a legend based on all module information.
  -w, --wrap <CHAR_WRAP>          Define the number of characters after which a line of text is wrapped.