
gsn2x allows for different ways to formatting text. Formatting loosely follows Markdown syntax, even though not the full specification is supported.

Text emphasis

You can use * and _ to emphasize text.

Text enclosed in *'s will be assigned a CSS class "bold".

Text enclosed in _'s will be assigned a CSS class "italic".

A default inline style is also assigned.


This text:

This is a *bold* text. This is an _italic_ text.

will be rendered to:

This is aboldtext. This is anitalictext.

You can add hyperlinks for text: attributes as well as all additional layers. Hyperlinks are automatically detected when they start with "http://", "https://", "file://".

If you like to hide the actual URL, you can assign a text to the link that is rendered instead. The syntax for this follows Markdown syntax. However, a title is not supported, only text and href are. URLs may not contain whitespace characters. If you URL has one, just replace with %20.

Please note that the link created by url: cannot have additional text, since it is anyway invisible and applicable to the complete node.


This link:

[Link Text](

will be rendered to:

Link Text

This link:

will be rendered to:

Text layout within elements

You can control line breaks by YAML means, e.g. following this example:

  text: |

Alternatively, you can use the -w option and provide a global number of characters after which lines are wrapped.

You can also use the optional charWrap attribute for an element to individually define the number of characters after which line is wrapped. The same attribute can be applied for a complete module at the module section.

Please note that wrapping is done if a whitespace is detected after the given number of characters.